Developers Back Windows Phone

by David MacQueen | Nov 20, 2013

Strategy Analytics Developer Survey Shows 32 percent of Developers Targeting Microsoft's Platform Next Year



Boston, MA - November 20, 2013 – Strategy Analytics Developer Survey, fielded in September 2013, polled over 1,600 active mobile app developers. Over 32 percent indicated they would support Windows Phone next year, double the 16 percent which created apps for the Microsoft platform in 2013. HTML5 and Firefox also fared well.

David MacQueen, Executive Director, Apps and Media Research, said “Naturally Android and iOS were the top platforms, with 84 percent and 68 percent respectively of developers targeting those platforms. That’s primarily down to the huge installed base; we asked developers why they were supporting particular platforms and the top answer for both of these platforms was the user base. 74 percent of Android developers and 65 percent of iOS developers cited this as a reason for their continued support.

“Of the other platforms, HTML5 ranked third in terms of developer support with 33 percent developing for HTML5 this year, rising to 43 percent expecting to develop next year. However, one third of those developers use HTML5 as a tool to develop for other platforms. Therefore, it seems that Windows Phone looks set to become the third ecosystem, as predicted by Elop in the infamous ‘burning platform’ memo. In contrast, support for Symbian next year is slightly under 2 percent of our developer panel.”

Adam Thorwart, Research Associate, added, “Firefox seems to be gathering quite a bit of developer support, and in fact showed the biggest rise, with more than triple the number of developers expecting to support that platform next year. Only 3 percent of developers created something for the platform this year, but following successful launches in Latin America, Spain and a handful of other European markets, 10 percent of developers expect to be creating apps for those handsets in the coming year. Tizen also seems to have piqued developer interest, albeit to a lesser extent than Firefox, 2 percent developed apps this year, but 5 percent expect to support Tizen next year.”


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