Smart SpeakersSmart Speakers and Screens

Smart Speakers and Screens

Global Smart Speaker Vendor & OS Shipment and Installed Base Market Share by Region: Q4 2019

Report Summary:

Worldwide shipments of smart speakers and smart displays grew by 45% year-on-year in Q4 2019 to reach 55.7 million units, a record for a single quarter. Annual shipments also reached a record level in 2019 as the number of units sold grew by 70% to 147 million. Amazon and Google remain the top two ranked brands in Q4 2019 with their combined share climbing beyond 50% thanks to strong holiday demand and numerous promotions including high profile giveaway deals. Chinese brands Baidu, Alibaba and Xiaomi made up the top five brands globally and continue to dominate the domestic China market between them.

This report provides quarterly global shipments and installed base metrics for the top 25+ smart speaker vendors across 15 voice operating systems from Q4 2014 through Q4 2019 with a forecast for Q1 to Q4 2020. Regions covered include North America, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, Central & Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe and Africa & Middle East. This report updates and supersedes Global Smart Speaker Vendor & OS Market Share by Region: Q3 2019 published in November 2019.

Table of Contents

1. Title
2. Contents
3. Analysis
4. Data - Quarterly Global Smart Speaker Shipments and Installed Base by Vendor
5. Data - Smart Speaker Shipments by Vendor by Region Q4 2019
6. Data - Quarterly Smart Speaker Shipments and Installed Base by Region by Vendor
7. Data - Quarterly Global Smart Speaker Shipments and Installed Base by Operating System
8. Data - Smart Speaker Shipments by Vendor by Operating System Q4 2019
9. Data - Quarterly Smart Speaker Shipments and Installed Base by Region by Operating System
10. Smart Speaker Shipment and Installed Base Summary by Region
11. Definitions
12. Methodology
13. Contacts
14. Pivot Table
15. Flat File

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