Smart SpeakersSmart Speakers and Screens

Smart Speakers and Screens

Global Smart Speaker Vendor & OS Shipment and Global Smart Speaker and Screens Shipments, Wholesale Revenue, ASP and Price Band by Model: Q3 2020

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Report Summary:

35.8 million smart speakers were shipped worldwide in Q3 2020 generating wholesale revenue of US$2.5 billion. The top selling models in the quarter were Google's Nest Mini and Amazon's Echo Dot 3rd Gen speaker which accounted for nearly one in four global sales between them. Amazon's Echo Show 5 was the best selling Smart Display followed by Baidu's Xiaodu Zaijia 1c. Apple's HomePod was ranked first in terms of wholesale revenue.

This report provides smart speaker shipment and wholesale market value data for Q3 2020 for the top 30 smart speaker models worldwide. The report also provides ASP information by model and analyses which models are performing best by price band.

Table of Contents

1. Title
2. Contents
3. Analysis
4. Data - Smart Speaker Shipments, ASP and Price Band by Model
5. Global Smart Speaker Market Summary
6. Definitions
7. Methodology
8. Contacts

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